Facebook Marketplace Rules And Guideline for Buying and Selling - Marketplace Facebook Rules for Seller

Facebook Marketplace Rules – The marketplace feature is the latest addition to the Facebook network , basically created to promote buying and selling between users on Facebook.

This tool has received a lot of reviews from users and more people are now getting interested with the Marketplace function, the rules and how to go about a successful trade.
Facebook marketplace is a section of Facebook that allow users to see goods and merchandise available to them for sale nearby, this icon can be found on the top page of the app for iOS users and at the bottom page of the app for the Android users.
Facebook Marketplace Rules
Just like every marketplace, the Facebook marketplace is guided by some rules to help ensure a smooth and transparent transaction between the buyer and the seller. We shall be sharing these rules with you in this article.

Facebook Marketplaces Rule For Buying And Selling

It is very important to note that Facebook does not facilitate any form of payment whatsoever. Facebook is more like a cord that connects the buyer to the seller, Facebook won’t charge you for any commission based on your transactions. Its totally hands-free and every negotiations made are strictly between the two parties involved.

Facebook Marketplace Rules for Buyer

  1. Don’t make payments in advance, make sure you don’t make payments for products you have not seen.
  2. Take snapshots of the product and the description of the product, this is for proof in case of disputes. Facebook Consumer Right Act states that the product you purchase must be  exactly the same way it was described by the seller. Say for example, the product described to you is new, but on getting it, happens to be a used product, that is a breach of contract and you have the right to report the seller to Facebook to carry out the necessary actions.
  3. Another Facebook Marketplace Rules is to know the price of what you want to buy. A good way is to check sites like Amazon, eBay and other online auction sites to have an idea of the price range you should be gunning for.
  4. Take time to check the profile of the seller(s). Check their friends list and see if they have too many foreigners as friends, that could be suspicious of someone fraudulent, check to see if they have been tagged in any photos, as these are all causes for concern to avoid falling victim to scam.

Facebook Marketplace Rules for Seller

  1. Make sure you upload a clear picture of the product you want to put up for sale, with a very fair and honest description of it.
  2. Always keep records of any agreements you have with a buyer. This could help build your credibility.
  3. Sell for the right price, hiking the price of your products may chase off potential buyers. You can also check other online shopping sites to know the best price range for your product.
These Facebook Market rules are basically meant to guide you in having a smooth transaction on Facebook marketplace. You can also check the FAQs section to know more and understand Facebook Marketplace better.
Facebook Marketplace Rules And Guideline for Buying and Selling - Marketplace Facebook Rules for Seller Facebook Marketplace Rules And Guideline for Buying and Selling - Marketplace Facebook Rules for Seller Reviewed by Ed F8 on July 07, 2019 Rating: 5

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